Affiliate Disclaimer

We are disclosing that we include text links, image links and product links on this webiste( that will earn an affiliate commission for any purchase you make. Our goal at "" is to help you to get maximum discount possible on your online purchase at different online stores, but please understand that we are doing this as a for-profit business.

We have signed up affiliate programs with large number of online stores through different affiliate networks like,, etc. The affiliate networks and affiliate programs we signed up changes constantly. Given this, please understand that the links leading you to merchant websites are affiliate links that helps to receive compensation. Having said that, we put lot of efforts in our research to offer the coupon codes that work for the merchant site you are shopping.

Please note that we have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us by using the contact page. It can be accessed on the menu above.